Lauren was born in 1978 and was diagnosed with CF at 30 months of age. She has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Industrial Design from the University of Illinois Urbana Campaign. In 2003, she married her husband. They conceived naturally and welcomed a baby boy in 2007 after a healthy, uneventful pregnancy. Despite her husband testing negative as a carrier of cystic fibrosis prior to conception, their son does have CF. Lauren has lived in NJ, CT, RI, MO, IL, TN, TX and PA.

After working for seven years in the product design consulting industry, Lauren decided to stay home with her son. A number of rocky years of caring for a toddler left her disabled due to advancement of her CF.
Lauren is a health opinion leader for cystic fibrosis, bringing different stake holders together through social community, and the chair of the local Great Strides walkathon to benefit the CF Foundation. She is on the patient advisory board for Hartford Hospital and is a philanthropist raising tens of thousands of dollars annually both for CF research and for local needs.

She enjoys consulting in the healthcare/pharma industry regarding telemedicine, social media and adherence of the e-patient. She melds her experience in the rigorous product design consultancy world to bring a unique perspective to care management. She shares her wealth of health knowledge as a Wellness Advocate, motivating those with and without cystic fibrosis to realize their full potential. Lauren says she enjoy the dance of attempting to stay one step ahead of CF.